Disable SQL Prompt on certain blocks of code
Add a functionality of disabling SQL Prompt auto-formatting feature for blocks of code. Use SQL comments for 100% sql compatibility. Example:
SELECT 1, 2, 3
--<SQLPROPMT disable>
select 4, 5, 6
select 7,8,9
in the code above, the first and third statements would be auto-formatted but not the second one.
It would be especially useful for very long scripts where a single formatting template is not an option.

This feature is now included in the new SQL Prompt 8.0. For additional information see: http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SP8/SQL+Prompt+8.0+release+notes
You can get the latest version of SQL Prompt from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
Thank you for your help!
Anonymous commented
how can we disable auto format as we type in the first place? this should be a no-brainer standard feature! i would never want it to auto format my code, for example, the default casing is silly. i type everything in lower case, case should never be used to denote any hierarchy in sql
jgonnering commented
ptrubs commented
the link is broken...
jgonnering commented
jgonnering commented
I think this was added recently. paste the code below in SSMS and then format SQL (CTRL K + CTRL Y), it should only format the first and last blocks
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.[objects]
-- SQL Prompt formatting off
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.[objects]
-- SQL Prompt formatting onSELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.[objects]
jreynolds commented
I just ran into yet another block of code that could benefit from this.
Also really great when you have multiple developers which work on a SQL statement, and someone has carefully formatted a block you agree on, and you don't want to mess it up. -
Richard Wells commented
We commonly have a block like this at the top of a file:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[vwMyView]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1)
DROP VIEW [dbo].[vwMyView]
GOBut our normal code is more spread out vertically. Format SQL blows this up. I have to select the CREATE VIEW separately and format that. (Workable, but slow.)
A comment-embedded <SQLPrompt:NoFormat> pragma would be perfect here.
Tom Pester commented
Prompt does and excellent job in 90% of the times. In 10 % it makes some statements too verbose layout wise. Consistency is generally a good thing but now always.
This is one of the last basic features that I miss. It already has a lot of excellent advanced features.
I hope it makes the next beta. I voted 3 points. -
mike hills commented
cant wait for this:-)
I have complex insert scripts and have to use sql designer to open and close them to reduce space prior to printing -
JDS44 commented
Any feedback on plans for this request? I know there are alot of other possible formating requests out there but this would atleast give a workaround to those shortcomings if the formating could be frozen around some areas.
JDS44 commented
should it use the multi-line comment instead? /*<SQLPROMT disable>*/
david rawheiser commented
I would like to vote this up if possible - Sometimes you have bulk inserts that shouldn't be wrapped or complex SQL that is easier to understand if formatted in a logical and not syntactical manner. The Java format processor uses a tag in a comment @formatter:off and then @formatter:on.
Daver commented
Good idea. I'd like to also suggest that we would disable Code Suggestions for an entire single file. I want it on for the other pages as I research or refactor the page that contains huge amounts of dynamic SQL. I want the code suggestions to work on the other pages.