Provide support for CLR functions
The object text exists as normal for CLR functions (or at least enough for provide auto suggest on object name and number of params and types), therefore please can function which are backed by CLR be available in the suggestion list

This is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from
Kenneth Scott commented
it's ridiculous that this has to be requested and voted for!! can't believe this isn't supported.
Jan Wittland commented
we really miss support for clr stored procedures/functions, since we have a lot of them. schema+name with parameters and types would be perfect!
Matt Seabaugh commented
Support for invalid Objects would be great!
Joakim commented
+1 for CLR functions/procedures in the intelisense
John commented
I agree that it is silly for this to be 'requested', since there is TSQL wrappers around each of the CLR functions/procs etc. this should be trivial and part of base functionality by now.
Casey commented
+1 for CLR
Paul White commented
+1 SQL Server 2012 IntelliSense can do this.
01011010 commented
It is silly that this needs to be a feature request. Did someone also suggest including stored procedures in SQL prompt.