Support Tab Magic in SSMS 2012 ASAP
The VS-based "tool" is significantly less usable than SS2008R2. Tab Magic will significantly ease the pain of having to work with tabs in the limited manner SSMS2012 inflicts upon us, especially those of us livid over the loss of the MDI-mode!

Damon Clark commented
I have been using this for a couple weeks and really like it. No issues except it opening all tabs twice.
meyerovb commented
Very impressed with the changes, integrating into sql search is great, and the new ui looks nice! I hope you've also addressed the random issue of occasionally opening infinite tabs on ssms startup, but beyond that this looks ready for prime time.
Jermy commented
Ian Luke Kane commented
Similar to Justin below, this is main reason I'm still using 2008. Would love to see this in 2012!
Kirk Wilson commented
I would love for tab magic to be available in SQL 2012. i just installed it last week to 2008 and am already hooked. I was disappointed to see that it's missing in 2012.
Jennifer Eckstein commented
I miss SQL Tab Magic SO MUCH! It was one of my all time favorite tools.
Thanks Stephen, that's good to know. In other news I'm hopeful that in the first quarter of next year we'll be able to find some resource to tackle SSMS 2012 support for Tab Magic, <disclaimer> provided there are no huge technical hurdles </disclaimer>. for anyone else who is looking for this, please keep on voting, as this helps strengthen the case.
Stephen commented
The "disastrous overhaul" is really "Microsoft annihilated the MDI-mode", leaving us with 2 tabs on view ever as a max - pathetic and severely impactful re declined productivity.
This Connect item ( attempts to appease MDI users with "hundreds of the overall quality and user experience improvements that are in SSMS 2012". Bah humbug! So far I've yet to see any Microsoft publication on: "How SSMS2012 is SO much better for SQL Developers" and as a 6-month and counting user of the new SSMS, I try to avoid it and use SSMS2008R2 as much as possible for my SQL2012 work.
For those who may no longer have access to SSMS2008R2, the need for RG support in the retrograde SSMS2012 is essential.
@Graham - what overhaul are you referring to?
GrahamWade commented
This is a MUST for SSMS2012 after Microsoft's disastrous overhaul of the User Interface.
Jason Williams commented
It was really nice having the tab magic integrated. However SSMS Tools offers a slightly better, but similar product. The draw back is that it is an extra cost on top of the redgate tools.
Claes Wedin commented
I agree completely.
Im used to closing SSMS or tabs without bothering, since I easy can get them back!
Also using Find to find the specific tab I am looking for is great!! -
Justin Whaley commented
This is the main reason i'm still using 2008