query history starts at Open Queries;
I would like a config open so that the dropdown of queries starts at OPEN QUERIES not all queries
also, I would like it when my mouse hovers over the magic tab button for it to just expand... the extra click makes it less magic

We’ve released SQL Prompt 6 which includes this.
patrick mccarthy commented
All, I think your solution is PERFECT (remember where I left off) -- as for the hover over, the Ctrl+T works perfectly for me, you can drop the hover over feature from me as a request..
thank you - I cant wait for the new beta release on Monday...
AdminAaron Law (Admin, Redgate) commented
Hi Patrick,
We think the best solution would be to remember which mode you were in last time and return you there (so if you use open queries that's what you'll get on the next popup)
We're planning on another release on Monday so I'll try to get this change included for you.Also, we currently bind Ctrl+T as a shortcut to open the pane (and it jumps to open tabs too!)
The onhover might require a bit more thinking about since SSMS "owns" the command button but we'll have a look into it.
patrick mccarthy commented
I typically end up with many tabs open when I am working and researching. Too many to see all the tabs on the UI... half of the tabs are from a file name I opened - e.g. somecoolquery.sql and the other half are just query1,2,3,.....
SO, when I need to move to another query, I use the magic tab to see which one has the t-sql I am looking for...(I know its not the best to have 10 tabs open but hey, its how I always seem to end up - a new tab to run a research query :) )
As for the hover over, it would be great... also, a hot-key assignment to pop it open would be great too..
keep up the great work on the magic tab -- truly a feature that helps reduce the time to code...(my favorite is the auto saving of unsaved queries - it has saved me at times I have accidentally hit NO on close and save :) )
Hi Patrick, thanks for the request. Could you please elaborate on _why_ you would prefer it to default to "open tabs"? Is the "all tabs" option not useful to you? I like the idea of auto-expanding on hover-over.