672 results found
Copy as where
It would be very useful to be able produce where clause from copied horizontal selection from the results grid. For example from the uploaded image, where clause should be
AND CTA.ITEMCODE = 1500012200
AND CTA.ITEMBARCODE = '8001841964966'
AND CTA.OTHERENTITY_CR = 460842 votes -
Refactoring an INSERT statement into an UPDATE statement with SELECT
Be able to refactor INSERT statement into UPDATE statement that has SELECT rather than VALUES i.e. "insert into xxx select from".
2 votes -
ADS wildcard extension
Please add the wildcard extension (select * => select col1, col2, ...) to SqlPrompt in ADS, the same as it works in SSMS.
6 votes -
Debugger for SQL Code
After removing of SQL Code debugging features beginning with Management Studio 18, it would be quite welcome to have this feature in SQLPrompt.
Other competitors are already providing debugging.9 votes -
DDL Parentheses Formatting should apply to VALUES clause of INSERT Statements - Bug?
The current parenthesis options I have set for an INSERT INTO (DML) statement, only appear to work for the list of columns, but NOT for the list of values in the VALUE clause. I'm unsure why this behaviour is different, but this inconsistency seems like a bug.
I have provided a screenshot where you can clearly see the parentheses are not aligned correct in comparison with the INSERT statement.
Ultimately I would like for the formatting to be overall consistent.
2 votes -
In the tables population dialog allow more filtering options - say, filter by schema, by name, etc
Allow more filtering options for populate tables with data tool.
1 vote -
For the SQL Compare tool allow to copy warnings texts
My idea is for the SQL Compare tool: when the warnings are displayed, it would be helpful to be able to copy text of these warnings to deal with them
1 vote -
"Manage Code Analysis Rules..." should also be available from the "Options..."-menu
All setup-options, except "Manage Code Analysis Rules..." seems to also be available from the "Options..." menu, which is nice ...
1 vote -
Prohibit SQL execution in case of UPDATE/DELETE without clause
At the moment a user is warned before executing a potentially dangerous operation.
However, junior devs might accidentally just press enter without thinking twice.
Please add functionality to PROHIBIT execution besides WARNING (like SSMS Boost has) so that junior devs can't make mistakes at all.
It would be fantastic if this would be possible.2 votes -
Suggest common day and time constants when a date/datetime field appears as a criteria
When a date or datetime field appears in a WHERE clause, include Suggestions of the following nature and dynamically substitute them upon selection with the nondeterministic or deterministic equivalents:
(I couldn't get my table to format nicely here - please see the copy in the uploaded file.)
(If it's currently 11am on Friday August 20 2021...)
Suggestion Nondeterministic replacement Deterministic replacement
now GETDATE() CAST('11am 20 August 2021' AS DATETIME)
today CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) CAST('20 August 2021' AS DATE)
yesterday DATEADD(DAY, -1, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)) CAST('19 August 2021' AS DATE)
tomorrow DATEADD(DAY, 1, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)) CAST('21 August 2021' AS DATE)…1 vote -
Make the column picker the default tab when suggesting columns inside a select
Make the column picker the default tab when suggesting columns when the ursor is inside a select statement.
2 votes -
Warn against reserved words in column names
Consider a table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ItemGroups](
[Group] [VARCHAR](25) NOT NULL,
[Description] [VARCHAR](25) NOT NULL)SELECT Group from dbo.ItemGroups ->
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Group'.
Would be nice to get a warning when a column name is a reserved word. Square brackets make the syntax valid but unnecessary if a column is named more accurately, e.g. ItemGroupCode
5 votes -
Unformat Query
Add a menu Item option to unformat a query. In other words take the query that is highlighted or every query in the script and convert them to be on a single line with only a single space between keywords, words, and operators.
This would be very useful for having to copy SQL into a table or other some object that shouldn't have normal formatting in it.
An option would be to double up all single quotes, so that the query can be placed between single quotes.6 votes -
drill down drill up from object display
In SQL Prompt, in the pop-up display for an object, allow drill down from an object reference in the popped-up display.
In the new feature showing dependencies, implement drill down (from the "uses" section) and drill up (from the "used by" section)
1 vote -
Properly format the start of a CTAS in Azure Synapse Analytics
SQL Prompt does not start a new line for the SELECT portion of a CTAS statement within Azure Synapse Analytics when there is a defined distribution or index using a WITH clause. Instead the SELECT statement is tabbed way over to the right.
6 votes -
Surround with, add to the list Select, Pivot, and I am sure there are more items like CTE
Surround with, add to the list Select, Pivot, and I am sure there are more items like CTE
1 vote -
refactor SELECT into CTE
The way I work when creating complicated scripts is creating all the SELECT statements and then convert them to CTEs of my final query.
It would be nice if you could convert SELECT into CTE7 votes -
Make auto savings of my open queries in case the program suddenly crashes
Sometimes my SSMS crashes. The Crash recovery of the program is not good enough. Would love to see "auto save" option that will save the open queries to history each time I'm idle for few moments. It would be much easier to recover than reproduce
4 votes -
Table Column Format Correction
In cases where there is SELECT DISTINCT or SELECT TOP(n) .. I would l like the option to format my table's columns to appear on the next line and indented 1 tab or set of spaces in from the SELECT and not necessarily aligned with DISTINCT or TOP in the line above.
FROM ...instead of
FROM ...3 votes -
Use formatter to create table of contents
It would be great to be able to use the formatter to create an automated table of contents based on some recognized commented pattern. For example, I could begin each section of code with:
-- Title of section
--******Then after using the formatter it would see the commented section and add the line number for each section in the beginning of the script. I imagine something similar to MS Word's auto generated table of contents.
1 vote
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