90 results found
Better tab management
1)Automatically name tabs generated by modifying a stored procedure in the Object Explorer. I noticed you added the functionality to right-click on a procedure name in-line and generate an ALTER script. That's AWESOME, and even more awesome is the fact that the tab is named by default. Usually tabs in SMS have some dynamically-generated name that's useless.
2) add ability to rename a tab without saving the contents of the tab. Just a right-click->Rename
3) Hovering over a tab should give you a pop-up with the first dozen or so lines of text in that tab.106 votes -
Indent Guides Line
Sometime, my sql query script have too much nested condition and I need to see the indent guides line like this image:
It would be awesome if you include this feature in this product.48 votes -
Visual indication on open transaction
Show a visual indication when open transactions exist in a query window (@@TRANCOUNT > 0)
It could be changing the background color of the query window, and a number in the status bar showing the current transaction depth or something like that.
33 votes -
Multiple rows of tabs
If I have more open tabs than can horizontally fit the window SSMS does not show all of them but instead there is a dropdown in the right upper corner. I would prefer if I could have multiple rows of tabs instead, like in VS. Since it does not seem likely that MS is going to implement that soon, can it be done in SQL prompt?
32 votes -
Prefered server Connection List
When working all day long with serveral SQL servers, its really annoying to click on "change connection" button + enter the server name you want to connect to, and enter credential.... It would be really great we we would have a "server connection list" where we could build into settings.... So i could add all my server i'm use to connect everyday, and specifying the USERNAME + PASSWORD + Default DB..... So in one-two click, i could switch to another server really quicly
29 votes -
Open Transaction Warning
Occasionally, developers working in SSMS accidentally leave transactions open. This causes big issues, of course. SSMS lets the user know if they try to close a tab with an uncommitted transaction, but only when the user tries to close the tab.
I would like a feature in SQL Prompt so that it lets the user know that they have an uncommitted transaction. SQL Prompt could prompt the user via a toast pop-up or coloring the connection tab or something
28 votes -
Search Results in Grid Mode
Find all occurrences of your search string in the results in datagrid mode. I know I should and could do this in SQL but sometime it is handle to find the customers name in a large set of rows.
22 votes -
Add a new "Modify" menu item when right clicking views in Object Explorer
To get an ALTER script for an existing stored proc or UDF you just need to right click it in Object Explorer and select Modify. For views you can't do this. You have to select "Script view as.." then "Alter to..." then "New query editor window". It's only two extra mouse clicks but they are two very annoying mouse clicks! I was hoping this would have come back for SQL2012 as you used to be able to do this in SQL2000, but it hasn't. Redgate to the rescue?
18 votes -
Build an interface to update all Redgate Tools at once.
I wanted to put this one level up (all Redgate), but did not see a way to do that.
When you guys release an update, I do not see any choice but to open each tool, one at a time, and check to see if it was updated. There should be one interface that I can open that will check every product I have installed and install the appropriate updates. The current is much more time consuming than it should be and extremely inconvenient. If you have such a tool now, it should be easier to find.
I thought Redgate…
17 votes -
Organize objects in SSMS with a folder stucture
The reason I would like to see the folders is strictly for organizational purposes. I have so many procedures and tables in one database that I have to scroll through them all to find what I’m looking for. If I could organize by schema (or however I choose) and very quickly and jump back and forth between the different folders, that would help me out tremendously. The SQL filter function is so slow when going back and forth.
What if I could organize sql instances that I'm connected to in one SSMS. Production and Development folders?? Just another thought.
16 votes -
export to excel options
Hi - export to excel is a great feature. if it could be extended in 2 ways it would be even better.
copy the sql used to produce the results (and date, server info) into a separate tab called 'sql' or something. this way data extracts will be 'auditable' and re-runnable.
have some export options (top row = bold, highlighted, freeze top row). column autowidths applied.
the second one can be done with a macro in the excel template but would be a nice to have.
13 votes -
More "power" to tabs
1) add a possibility to set custom colours to tabs
2) pin in/pin out tabs
3) automatically set colour for executing queries tabs
4) add possibility to pop-up windows when query execution finish13 votes -
Warn before running code that might fire trigger
SQL Prompt gives me a warning when I execute a query or batch that would truncate a table or that includes an update or delete without where clause.
Is it possible to get a similar warning when I execute a query or batch that runs an insert, update, delete, or merge statement against a table or view that has a trigger? (ideally the warning would only fire if the trigger is not deactivated, and if it is for the correct operation)12 votes -
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts
It would be perfect if we could change the keyboard shortcuts, I like to use Ctrl+Enter shortcut to execute current statement (like Oracle SQL Dev) and I can't change the default Shift+F5 on SQL prompt.
11 votes -
Filter tables, views, etc. on multiple strings
I would like to be able to filter on more than one string in the Object Explorer of SSMS.
For example, I only want to see views that contain “OKDim” or “SSISOK”. Now I can only filter on “OK”, which still results in a long list of views.10 votes -
Dark mode support
Dark mode support across all red gate tools.
9 votes -
Shift-F5: ignore other syntax errors
Current behaviour: let's say we're editing a multi-statement script. The cursor is in the middle of one of the statements. Some other statements in the script are broken (i.e. have invalid syntax) but the one under the cursor is perfectly valid. We hit Shift-F5, expecting the current statement to be executed. Instead, we get a syntax error on some other piece of the script half a mile down the screen.
Expected behavior: just run whatever is under the cursor and ignore all other parts of the script.
9 votes -
Restore the working "Open in Excel" functionality for exporting numbers.
In version 10.12.1 and older the "Open in Excel" functionality actually created a Excel file where numbers were numbers and could be used in formulas like SUM. Starting in, I think, 10.12.4 you started exporting all numbers as a string. That completely breaks the usability, as you can then no longer make a formula using the numbers. (And while Excel offers the option to convert them back to numbers, it would be a pain to do it for each column that needed it and it takes FOREVER.)
At this point I will have to stay on 10.12.1 and not upgrade…
8 votes -
Have the update process default to only updating installed tools
I don't use SQL Prompt in Visual Studio and likely never will. However, every time I update, the updater defaults to installing it for VS and updating SSMS. It would be nice if the update process defaulted to only doing updates.
7 votes -
SQL history - Allow user to set custom SqlHistory.db save location
SQL Prompt allows users to set custom directories for various files.
It would be nice to be able to change the location of the SqlHistory.db and other files that load to localappdata.
I would love to have this update to a folder in my oneDrive folder so it is backed up and easier to migrate between computers.
The only way to do this now is via REGEDIT.
6 votes
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