Suggest only column names after a Table alias is typed in
If I have already typed in the alias name for a table, then suggestions after a period should always have the column names at the top. Sometimes, a code snippet shortcut or other unrelated item pops to the top of the list.
For example, if I am have typed in:
SELECT * FROM [sys].[tables] AS T
WHERE [T].is
Then, the snippet for INFORMATIONSCHEMA shows at the top of the list. Since I already have put [T]., it should have the column names such as ismerged_published, etc. at the top of the list.

This is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from
Stephen commented
Definitely a pain, especially if one has a convention of using names like Is<Condition> for bit columns... IsValidated, IsGood, IsActive for example. Lost count of how many times INFORMATION_SCHEMA has landed up in my code...