Disable auto update check on startup
It would be nice if we can turn off the auto update check for a new version on start-up. This check is happening in the Visual Studio database project and in SSMS. I'd like to disable it. Thanks!
In Prompt 10.0.11 we added a new option to the help menu called ‘update notification frequency’. This will allow you to reduce the frequency of updates all the way down to major versions only (one update a year).
Do not need it to check for me. Slows the SSMS startup.
Anonymous commented
This is getting crazy by the day. SQL Prompt, Compare, data compare, any tool you use, first checks if there is a latest update available. Why on earth do you want all of us to download the latest and the greatest software? Every software vendor is doing this. Please stop this madness, come to your senses.
Anonymous commented
It's great that you guys issue updates so frequently with new features and bug fixes, but unless I'm looking for a specific item in a release I don't want to update so frequently. I'm getting tired of seeing a constant update notification for SQL Prompt and I feel like the check slows down the opening of SSMS. I'd prefer a way to just disable it.
Anonymous commented
Given the frequency of updates, I find the fact that I can't turn this off completely obnoxious.
Brad commented
Yes, please. Possibly only get notified on major updates or only once per (week,month,etc.) if I don't have the most recent update.
Anonymous commented
+1 idem, an horror with VS2015
Patrick commented
Agree with below comments. Red-gate used to have an option to not auto-check for updates that has been removed. I am in an environment where checking for updates significantly slows down the SSMS and Visual Studio startup and would also like to disable.
Evan commented
I too would favor allowing the user to stop updates checks. Due to corporate policy, I am required to run a version of SSMS which is not compatible with the latest versions of SQL Prompt. It does me no good to be constantly be reminded to update my version of SQL Prompt to a version I can't run in the first place.
Peter commented
What happens in my case is 1st SSMS slows down and then hangs. The only option I'm left with is to kill SSMS from Task Manager. So, yes, either fix this defect or allow user to disable update check.
Joe commented
For me it is the update frequency. I tend to leave SSMS running for a few days at a time,so it seems like every time I reboot or relaunch, SQL prompt wants to update. I'd be fine with major release notifications or cases where the update would be considered critical, but the notifications for micro releases are just an annoyance. I would also be fine with something like VS or Ultraedit where there is an icon or other small passive notification.
H First commented
I also would like to be able to disable auto update checks. I work on multiple machines and vms, and lately it seems I'm now constantly being asked to update.sql prompt every day depending on which machine I'm working on and when I last used it. I don't remember being asked to update sql prompt ever before, I would appreicate the option to update at my pace.
paul price commented
I'm in favor of this, because I'm trying to optimize my startup times. Because of Corporate standards and VPN policies, I can't apply the updates any way, so the the update info is useless to me.