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SQL Prompt



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672 results found

  1. When auto-completing an "EXEC storedProc" statement, SQL Prompt will generate the input arguments (and outputs) and generate sample values for the input arguments. If an input argument is of type datetime, SQL Prompt generates a string literal that is equivalent to current date and time in UTC. Please provide an option to either generate a string literal that is the current date and time in the local time zone.

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  2. Smart rename doesn't work on Azure SQL Database without creating a SQL login to use for the task. Be nice to support connections via Active Directory Password, or any of the other Azure AD auth options.

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  3. It would be incredibly useful to have Smart Rename have the option to generate a synonym that points the old name to the new one, in order to maintain functionality for any legacy applications accessing the database via those old object names.

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  4. So I'm not sure if this is something that SQL Prompt has the ability to do or not as far as access to SSMS.

    When you customize syntax coloring in SSMS, it sees variables, tables, column names, etc all as the same thing...."Identifiers"....I would love it if I were able to specify a different coloring scheme for variables, separate from the rest of the identifiers.

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  5. Please add option to specify regular expressions to ignore prefixes.
    So if I have a pattern for table/view/SP prefix I would not need to specify all the options/combinations.

    Thank you

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  6. Ability to easily identify user-created snippets from default Redgate snippets.

    I love snippets and I create a ton of them, but there's no easy way for me to filter the list of snippets to see which ones I created vs the ones that shipped with the product. I'd love the ability to be able to filter the list of snippets to show my custom snippets so I can find them easily.

    (My work around is just to use a naming convention that groups them all, but this feels inefficient because it requires that I type more letters to activate the…

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  7. It's currently possible to align operations in WHERE which is great, but BETWEEN is not aligned.
    Example - currently:
    AND City
    __________= 'Bothell'
    OR LEFT(PostalCode, 2)
    = 'CB'
    OR PostalCode
    _______= @prefix + @suffix

    Example - currently:
    AND City
    ________= 'Bothell'
    OR LEFT(PostalCode, 2)
    = 'CB'
    OR PostalCode
    _______= @prefix + @suffix

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  8. When text is selected, Control D would create a copy of that text. If no text is selected, the current line of the cursor will be duplicated.

    Much like the behavior of Excel to carry down cell values (and a popular Visual Studio plugin), this will allow users to keep the text on their clipboard to paste it over part of the SQL that was just duplicated (like the contents of a where clause).

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  9. I would like the ability to control how SQL Prompt completes my statements for me, this mostly becomes an issue with procedures with multiple optional parameters.

    If I used sp_whoisactive as an example, there are multiple optional parameters but it is capable of running with no parameters at all, so I find myself having to spend longer than I want to either highlighting the bit I want execute or deleting all the parameters that just got written for me.

    So a setting where I can assign keys to complete full statement and keys to simply complete object name would be…

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  10. There are several rules that are only available in SQL Code Guard. And with SQL Code Guard no longer being maintained they should be implemented in SQL Prompt Code Analysis so that we can avoid having to use two products.

    By our count here are the rules currently not implemented in Code Analysis:

    DEP004 COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY clauses are deprecated
    DEP005 FASTFIRSTROW table hint is deprecated
    DEP008 PASSWORD/MEDIAPASSWORD options in BACKUP/RESTORE statement are deprecated
    DEP017 NON-ANSI join (= or =) is used
    EI001 Incompatible variable type for procedure call
    EI002 Incompatible literal…

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  11. Options - Styles pane contains, for example, "Apply column alias style" and its drop-down. This does not belong as a universal style setting, among others.

    Please move it to the "Formatting Styles" configuration dialog.

    This is because many practitioners either do not know about the "alias = column" capability in T-SQL, or don't like it, or it's contrary to company standards. The ability to use this form, which IMO is more brain-friendly, ought to be on the Formatting page as it is, in fact, a significant style element.


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  12. With the deprecation of SQL Code Guard and it's replacement by Code Analysis there is one feature that we heavily used that is now no longer there, and that is the ability to run SQL Code Guard against the whole DB not just the query on the screen.

    This allowed us to investigate new DBs that we'd inherited to see what sort of cleanup we might be looking at as well as giving us the ability to see if anything had snuck in to our existing DBs without going file by file.

    I know there are other tools (like SQL…

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  13. I want to be able to keep my tab history open. I am rebuilding a lost development database and using search a LOT, but after I search, find a tab I want to look at more deeply or execute, the window disappears and my search predicate and place in the list of matching tabs is lost, so I have to enter search predicate and scroll back down each time. This is a VERY useful tool, but it would be so much more useful if I could just keep it open.

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    4 comments  ·  Tab history  ·  Admin →
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  14. Current behaviour: let's say we're editing a multi-statement script. The cursor is in the middle of one of the statements. Some other statements in the script are broken (i.e. have invalid syntax) but the one under the cursor is perfectly valid. We hit Shift-F5, expecting the current statement to be executed. Instead, we get a syntax error on some other piece of the script half a mile down the screen.

    Expected behavior: just run whatever is under the cursor and ignore all other parts of the script.

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  15. I would like to see the ability to copy a selected row or a number of cells in a grid, and add it to the clipboard as a transposed view of the record
    with 2 columns (Column Name, Value) to allow results to be easily pasted into emails etc

    example (simple result only the result values would need to be selected)
    ID Name Activation Date
    1234 John Smith 2018-01-14

    output on clipboard

    ID 1234
    Name John Smith
    Activation Date 2018-01-04

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  16. Some programming languages (we use FireDac in Delphi) use colon notation to declare variables. Eg

    select * from table where id = :id;

    Testing such queries in SQL Prompt forces you to change the query before and after testing and that is error prone.
    It would be nice if SQL Prompt could handle this type of parameters by instead of raising an error show a "Enter parameter value" input box.

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  17. open source sql prompt's formatting module.

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  18. I'd like to vote for adding PE019 (Consider using EXISTS instead of IN) to the issues which can be auto-fixed.

    It feels like the kind of re-write that would probably be simpler for a computer to do than a person.

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  19. Colors Option For Different Databases

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  20. I use two AD user accounts on a daily basis - a normal account and a "server admin" account (for server OS local admin and SQL instance sysadmin permissions). Hence, I run SSMS as either one or the other user. SQL Prompt settings (same goes for other Redgate tools) are saved per user, which makes it quite tedious, since after every setting change I have to export from that user and import to the other user.

    Can you it an option for settings to be user independant (universal)?

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