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SQL Source Control



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588 results found

  1. We have found that Source Control object locking can cause severe lag and even instability in SSMS for distant servers. The additional lag affects the SSMS Object Explorer contextual dialogs (right-click). Often the dialog will timeout and fail to render or multiple tries. Although we are able to disable object locking via the RedGateSQLSourceControlEngine_EngineOptions.xml file it would be much nicer to have control from the GUI. This could be in the form of a global on/off switch, or could even add functionality to blacklist certain servers. Alternatively, you could build in some kind of functionality to detect servers…

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  2. Presently a standalone migration script runs before the main block. This seems odd as the point is to migrate data and for that you need schema to be in place.

    I would like to be able to add standalone migration scripts to the end of the main block.

    We ship databases with some data populated. (This is not simple static data that can be managed using linked tables). We ship for example some out the box entities such as Roles, A base User, a base Organization etc. They have circular references so to insert we have to turn off table…

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  3. Azure Data Studio (formerly SQL Operations Studio) is the open source successor to SSMS kind of like VS Code is the open source successor to Visual Studio.

    Please create an extension for SQL Source Control to work with Azure Data Studio.

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  4. If a migration script has already been run (to rename a table), we don't need to run it again. SQL Source Control is frequently crashing trying to deploy migration scripts and we don't have a way to skip them.

    Can we have a option to skip a migration script when getting latest?

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  5. When re-linking databases to source control, there is a warning message about loosing all uncommitted migration scripts, with only a OK/Cancel option. It's seems there should be an option for 'take me to the commit page' so that I can commit those scripts, then re-link.

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  6. While comparing static data in SQL Compare, there might occur a "red herring" issue where SQL Source Control cannot see filtered table-data due to being read by a user unprivileged for Row-Level Security. Since SQL Source Control cannot see the table-data, it will then suggest to either

    a) Fetch all table-data from the linked repository (causing all kinds of PK- and other constraint issues)
    b) Commit the deletion of all table-data to the linked repository

    We don't want to do either of these actions. Although bypassing Row-Level Security for an unprivileged user isn't possible, it is still possible for…

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  7. Given the size of our databases, SQL Source Control is VERY slow, frequently locking up SSMS for a minute or more.

    As a result I'd like to (say) use SSMS 2014 for SQL Source Control, leaving SSMS 2017 free to work with.

    Could we please have the option of choosing which SSMS instances to install it against?

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  8. After running get latest refresh intellisense and sql prompt cache.

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  9. This option is available in version 3. I can see that it is not available in version 5.

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  10. We have a rather large schema with numerous static data linked...
    When I turn off the automatic check of static data, the Get Latest and commit refresh operations take only seconds!! (Awesome!)
    When i turn ON auto check of static data, it takes almost a minute (yawn!).

    It would be really great if I could have the best of both worlds... Do not automatically check static data, but manually check it as I see fit with a separate button on the GetLatest tab that says "check static data now" or something.

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  11. Hi,

    I need to know who all has not checked in/committed the code the code.

    As we have so many databases to work on and its very hard to see one by one


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  12. Long time user of Redgate Source Control and a really annoying feature is when I'm on the Get Latest tab and there is a change to the Database Comparison options in source control. I can only select the Database Options changes to Get Latest. I cannot opt to get any of the other objects until I 'get' the database options from source control. This is not what is needed. The choice of whether I get the database options should be down to me and I shouldn't be forced to do it. Please make it the same as all other objects…

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  13. Bitbucket allow to use Selfsigned certificate but you need to add on the server trusted store. With the Bitbucket version 5.3.1 the Source control when push is throwing an error "failed to send request: A certificate is required o complete client authentication". and souce control doesn't have the ability to use trusted store.

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  14. If the list of objects to commit run over a page to several pages, it can be difficult to confirm exactly what I'm committing. I like the ability to generate a report list to show all objects as well as selected objects in the Commit tab. It would be nice to have same ability for 'Get latest' objects as well.

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  15. Connecting to a Subversion repository SQL Source Control used to refresh the Object Explorer and show newly added items at the bottom of the list with a blue ball next to it. Since the last version update, I have to manually refresh the Object Explorer to get the newly added item to show up and there is no blue ball next to it unless open SQL Source Control and hit refresh there.

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  16. It will be helpful to see or email a report of all uncommited changes by a developer so that we can take actions accordingly

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  17. When linking a 2nd (and all subsequent) database to Git - the text entry for the folder is locked (cannot type into it)

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  18. 7 votes

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  19. When using filters in SQL Server it would be nice to see what objects are under source control (even if they are committed, maybe with a yellow dot). Currently only uncommitted objects under source control are indicated.

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  20. On commit, there is a button to select/unselect all dependent objects. It would be good to have select/unselect basically a check box to tick or untick the dependent object. This will allow me to select specific dependent object I wish to control not all.

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