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SQL Prompt



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672 results found

  1. I would like to be able to better automate our onboarding process for new developers by helping ensure their snippets folder, formatting style folder and default formatting style are correctly setup. Additionally we would like to be able to automatically import settings from UNC/source control for them. This reduces the inevitability that something is missed when trying to follow a setup guide we have to additionally maintain. Thanks!

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  2. It would be nice if the "Encapsulate as new stored procedure" logic used named parameter style so I don't immediately get ST008 in my code which calls the new proc.

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  3. What I sometimes run into, is that a table gets an alias (by SQL prompt), that matches an acronym for a snippet. Then, whenever I'm writing out my query, while calling the table by alias, snippet manager replaces the alias with the full snippet. Which can be annoying as Ctrl-Z doesn't work.

    My suggestion would be to check the snippet manager before assigning aliases and not have them overlap.

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  4. I spent a lot of time setting up custom directories for various products/features and its frustrating how SQL Prompt resets this with each new update forcing me to go back and change all these paths/defaults back to what they were before.

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  5. It would be good to have an option to not offer suggestions after typing a number. If i'm about to enter a constant such as set @var = 1 I usually don't want to see suggestions containing 1. Often I have to turn suggestions off to type a number.

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  6. It would be good to have an option to not offer suggestions after typing a single quote. If i'm about to enter a text string I usually don't want to see suggestions. Often I have to turn suggestions off to type a quoted string.

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  7. When writing SQL I don't think procedurally, which means I don't think about nested, indented "blocks" unless I'm actually using some procedural style SQL extensions like try/catch, if, case (which is a little procedural expression inside a set based statement), and so on.

    Because of this, I like to align various different "types of things" in a statement to create vertical rivers.

    So, for example, insert, update, select, from, join, where, group by, having, and order by are all aligned on the left. You might think of this as "column 1 - sql keywords".

    Then come column names, table names…

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  8. On SQL Prompt Aliases section I would like to have on custom aliases when I add a new a dropdown or a list view where I can pick object instead of me writing the object name. it would be even better if it has an option to show only object not already added with alias.

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  9. Have SonarQube plugin that will do code analysis using your rules rather than TSQL or PLSQL plugins

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  10. Please could you add a feature that parses a query that has already been written, adds aliases for tables that don't already have them and update columns to use those aliases.

    This is because I often get pieces of code which are partially aliased and I have to go through updating the missing ones. Thanks.

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  11. SQL Prompt has the ability to catch and warn about Update statements without Where clauses.

    How about something similar that catches and warns about security commands like Grant or Deny.

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  12. In the right-click menu of the "Tables" branch in SSMS, create an extra item that would retrieve string from system clipboard and apply it as an object name filter (using the SSMS built-in [Filter] => [Filter settings] => [Name] => [Contains] feature).

    This would allow for instant filtering, saving lot of time.

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  13. Please, separate options to align aliases for columns and tables..... I love aligned column aliases, but table aliases advance too far right, unnecessarily.

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  14. I use actions (from the ctrl menu) a lot. It would be extremely handy if I could re-do last action on the currently selected text by simply hitting Ctrl-Y (rather than hitting Ctrl and selecting it from the list of actions again and again).

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  15. Similar to visual studio code, it would be good to have a find and replace all occurrences by highlighting what you would like to replace. This would then give you the option to type in what you want to replace. I know Sql Server has a find and replace function, however I just really like this functionality and think it would be a great addition to SQL prompt

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Regardless of the source table, we would like the option to force table, column, and alias names to lower case. (We integrate databases from multiple sources and our queries look like a mess when half of the columns are upper case and half are lower).

    SELECT dp.PROJID AS cpprojid,
    pld.suffix AS project
    IP.projectnumber AS innprojid
    projectlvldetail AS pld
    ON pld.PROJID = dp.projid
    ON dp.PROJID LIKE IP.cpproj_id + '%'

    I think this is hard…

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  18. Semi-colons are automatically added at every END reserved key word. Make this optional.

    END TRY(;)
    END CATCH(;)

    This just look weird to everyone

    END(;) <=== don't want it here... there's an ELSE continuation.

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  19. It would be nice to have ability to format the documents automatically, have an API or command line command for that. For example to force format when check-in code.

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  20. If I have a very large script with the majority of it with formatting disabled, or even with just a highlighted small area... the ctrl-K,ctrl-Y formatting seems to consider the parts it will not be formatting. Example: code in a separate window will format instantly while in a window with 100k lines with same code highlighted it will take a long while. This seems to indicate that it is considering all of the code even though it is only formatting a small piece.

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