Automatic Suggestion Refresh
If I am running an "ALTER" or "CREATE" or "DROP", etc. Have SQL Prompt automatically refresh suggestions after my call.

The team are currently reprioritising this suggestion with a view to picking it up during 2019.
Ed Bouras commented
I absolutely agree with this suggestion. In fact, I can't think of a reason not to do this since performance is rarely going to be an issue for a script change of these types. Also agree with Ed White regarding Refresh Local Cache being automatically done. I've mumbled that to myself very many times. Tahnks for letting me say it where it counts now :)
WT Jones commented
I like this idea, but I would like it to only refresh the newly altered/created and not cause the little box to come up with a full schema refresh.
Ed White commented
In addition, in SSMS, whenever 'Refresh Suggestions' is selected, also perfom Edit->Intellisense->Refresh Local Cache automatically.