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SQL Prompt



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662 results found

  1. Today’s mail from
    Shows as way around the 1000 rows limitation on the VALUES ()… statement.

    Please enhance SQL Prompts “Script as Insert” feature to use this method.
    Currently SQL Prompt is scripting it like this, when the results window has more than 1000 rows:
    CREATE TABLE #temptable( [id_user] int, [RowCnt] int, [mt] datetime)
    INSERT INTO #temptable
    ( 372, 2,N'2012-09-01T00:00:00')
    INSERT INTO #temptable
    ( 196, 2,N'2012-09-01T00:00:00')
    INSERT INTO #temptable
    ( 210, 2,N'2012-09-01T00:00:00')

    It can be done like this:
    CREATE TABLE #temptable( [iduser] int, [RowCnt] int, [mt] datetime)
    INSERT INTO #temptable
    select *

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  2. Highlight of today was when I ran

    DROP USER MyUser

    In the wrong (production) database.

    Please add a warning to SQL Prompt, like your
    "You're about to execute a DELETE statement without a WHERE clause"

    When you run a DROP USER or a DROP LOGIN statement on a production server. Not only does the user or login disappear, but also all rights granted to the user.

    Maybe add the question “are you in the correct database?”

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  3. If a View looks like
    SELECT TOP(n) FROM x ORDER BY x.clumn
    SQL Prompt shows issue EI030 although the ORDER BY is vital for the TOP (n) clause

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  4. SQL Prompt fails badly in formatting window functions. As these are present at least since SQL 2014, SQL Prompt should be able to interpret them and format them accordingly.


    I would format the LAG() function as follows:

    myColumn AS realColumn
    ,LAG(myColumn, 1, 0)
    OVER (
    PARTITION BY someColumn
    ORDER BY anotherColumn) AS calculatedColumn

    Try this with SQL Prompt - it's result is not very nice...

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  5. Would it be possible to treat the 'LIKE' operator the same as '=' in the Expressions\Operators settings so they are all aligned?

    select AddressID
    from Person.Address
    where ModifiedDate
    between dateadd(month, -6, getdate())
    and getdate()
    and City = 'Bothell'
    or left(PostalCode, 2) like 'CB%'
    or PostalCode = @prefix + @suffix

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  6. In the setting of SQL Prompt there should be an option to create a list of servers.

    When SSMS then starts It should automatically create a connection to this list of servers in Object Explorer.

    It would be a great feature, when working with the same servers, it takes a long time to connect to servers everyday when work starts :-)

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  7. When I type code I like to line up all the equals (=) signs using tabs so that all the code to the right of the equals sign lines up nicely on my screen. I find this really useful for improving readability when using column aliases, in joins, and in update statements.
    I can't find an option in SQL Prompt to do this and it annoys me when I format my SQL and all the equals signs become ragged.

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  8. When I expand Wildcards I would like it like

    Select col1 = tb.col1
    col2 = tb.col2
    FROM tb

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  9. The starting item in a List of Columns for a SELECT statement is fine to place on the same line as the SELECT, however, for EXEC <proc name that is probably longer> it looks odd to have the Parameters line up at the end. This should be a separate choice for EXEC Parameters. I chose the "commas before" style for most everything, but prefer the "default" layout for EXEC proc parameters.

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  10. Refactoring INSERT into UPDATE is definitely useful, but most of us are familiar with these. The complex MERGE statement is a mess, and a clean way to generate that would be fantastic!! Especially since you can figure out the primary keys, etc..

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  11. There are cases where the code analysis detects errors and where the tool already have functionality to correct the issue. For instance with unqualified column names

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  12. I'd like to be able to give hints about how to join two tables. For example, column A in table 1 is the key for column B in table 2. It's not always possible to make that a real reference column so it would be nice if SQL Prompt knew that it should present it as an option when doing a JOIN clause.

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  13. The only edge Apex has over SQL Prompt formatting, at least for my use, is being able to organize long equations. If I am using a large number of columns for an equation, I'd like to place each new column on a new line.

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  14. I would really like the option to select the occurrence of a synonym in DML statement and have SQL Prompt replace it with the synonym's target object.

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  15. Themes, Dark mode mainly. Ability to add company logo when you log in via browser, like we can in reports.

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  16. Very often I need to create a temp table, table variable, or UDTT that is a duplicate or subset of an existing table. I'd like the @table definition to include primary key and unique constraints and any check constraints and default constraints that are in the actual table. No foreign key constraints obviously. SSMS object scripting botches this up by creating a bunch of alter statements instead of including constraints inside the CREATE statement.

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  17. If any stored procedures in the database are encrypted then "Find Invalid Objects" will get a null reference and prompt to restart SSMS.

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  18. Enabled Intellisense conflicts with SQL Prompt and needs to be disabled. This also disables Code Folding feature (Outline Statements) of SSMS, which is very useful for large coding projects.
    It would be helpful if SQL Prompt were to offer the similar feature.

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  19. When hovering over an object like a Proc or a View, and you click the link in the pop-up to view the contents of that object. It would be nice if there was a simple search function. Many times when I'm viewing the contents of an object, it's just because I want to see where it's making a particular reference, so I have to copy, open a new tab and then search.

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  20. It helps avoiding join on the same column (especially at inner join).
    UPDATE A SET Column1 = B.Column2 FROM TableA AS A INNER JOIN Table B ON A.Column3 = A.Column3.
    It happens usually by accident. The statement should be:
    UPDATE A SET Column1 = B.Column2 FROM TableA AS A INNER JOIN Table B ON A.Column3 = B.Column3.

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