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SQL Prompt



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663 results found

  1. Have SonarQube plugin that will do code analysis using your rules rather than TSQL or PLSQL plugins

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  2. Regardless of the source table, we would like the option to force table, column, and alias names to lower case. (We integrate databases from multiple sources and our queries look like a mess when half of the columns are upper case and half are lower).

    SELECT dp.PROJID AS cpprojid,
    pld.suffix AS project
    IP.projectnumber AS innprojid
    projectlvldetail AS pld
    ON pld.PROJID = dp.projid
    ON dp.PROJID LIKE IP.cpproj_id + '%'

    I think this is hard…

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  3. When hovering over an object like a Proc or a View, and you click the link in the pop-up to view the contents of that object. It would be nice if there was a simple search function. Many times when I'm viewing the contents of an object, it's just because I want to see where it's making a particular reference, so I have to copy, open a new tab and then search.

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  4. Someone else has submitted this suggestion and it is marked completed. However, it does not seem to do so in my version of SQL Prompt (

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  5. It would be nice if the "Encapsulate as new stored procedure" logic used named parameter style so I don't immediately get ST008 in my code which calls the new proc.

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  6. What I sometimes run into, is that a table gets an alias (by SQL prompt), that matches an acronym for a snippet. Then, whenever I'm writing out my query, while calling the table by alias, snippet manager replaces the alias with the full snippet. Which can be annoying as Ctrl-Z doesn't work.

    My suggestion would be to check the snippet manager before assigning aliases and not have them overlap.

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  7. Issue code SC003 shouldn't happen if the USE statement is at the top of a SQL script.

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  8. Context menu item to take the current query under the cursor and script out an appropriate DECLARE @table or CREATE TABLE #table to match the names and types output from the query.

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  9. As we are using a dedicated group of virtual machines for using our high privilege accounts, we don't know at login time on which machine we will have a session. Currently the settings of SQL Prompt are stored under “…\AppData\Local...”. After each logoff we loose these settings. According to the Microsoft standards, the settings should be stored under “…\Appdata\Roaming...”. Could this be changed in a future version?

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  10. The Format SQL command currently overlooks these keywords and they end up appended to the last line of the ORDER BY clause. Ideally, I'd like to have the option to place both OFFSET and FETCH NEXT on separate lines, aligned just like the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY keywords.

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  11. When auto-completing an "EXEC storedProc" statement, SQL Prompt will generate the input arguments (and outputs) and generate sample values for the input arguments. If an input argument is of type datetime, SQL Prompt generates a string literal that is equivalent to current date and time in UTC. Please provide an option to either generate a string literal that is the current date and time in the local time zone.

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  12. When auto-completing an "EXEC storedProc" statement, SQL Prompt will generate the input arguments (and outputs) and generate sample values for the input arguments. If an input argument is of type datetime, SQL Prompt generates a string literal that is equivalent to current date and time in UTC. Please provide an option to either generate a string literal that is the current date and time in the local time zone.

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  13. It would be incredibly useful to have Smart Rename have the option to generate a synonym that points the old name to the new one, in order to maintain functionality for any legacy applications accessing the database via those old object names.

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  14. Add $query$ to SQL prompt that allows you to define a query which get executed and the results pasted in place, optionally formatted as VALUES statement

    I currently have a snippet that runs
    SELECT '(' + CAST(r.RegionId AS VARCHAR(50)) + ',''' + r.RegionDescription + ''',0),'
    FROM retail.Regions r
    WHERE r.ActiveTo > GETDATE()
    ORDER BY r.RegionDescription

    I then copy the output and use the $paste$ place holder in another snippet to paste in

    DECLARE @regions TABLE (RegionId INT, RegionDescription VARCHAR(50), Active bit)
    INSERT @regions (RegionId, RegionDescription, Active)
    --$PASTE$ goes here
    (119,'Greater Manchester',0),

    An improvement would be remove the…

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  15. Please add option to specify regular expressions to ignore prefixes.
    So if I have a pattern for table/view/SP prefix I would not need to specify all the options/combinations.

    Thank you

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  16. SSMS 18.0 support, the latest till now, doesn't support ssms 18 preview 4

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  17. (5 previous votes)

    Rather than individually defining aliases per table, add an option to use capitalised letters of tables/views to define an alias.


    Customer = C
    mem_Membership = M

    cus_StateCustomer = SC

    aReallyLongTableName = RLTN

    view_CustomerMembership = CM

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  18. I would like the ability to control how SQL Prompt completes my statements for me, this mostly becomes an issue with procedures with multiple optional parameters.

    If I used sp_whoisactive as an example, there are multiple optional parameters but it is capable of running with no parameters at all, so I find myself having to spend longer than I want to either highlighting the bit I want execute or deleting all the parameters that just got written for me.

    So a setting where I can assign keys to complete full statement and keys to simply complete object name would be…

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  19. Some programming languages (we use FireDac in Delphi) use colon notation to declare variables. Eg

    select * from table where id = :id;

    Testing such queries in SQL Prompt forces you to change the query before and after testing and that is error prone.
    It would be nice if SQL Prompt could handle this type of parameters by instead of raising an error show a "Enter parameter value" input box.

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  20. open source sql prompt's formatting module.

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