667 results found
Can we add option to have "WITH (NOLOCK)" in the Aliases tab in the Options
Can we add option to have "WITH (NOLOCK)" in the Aliases tab in the Options
2 votes -
Add Feature that shows SP Hierarchies
Add a feature that when provided an SP will enumerate every SP called with that SP and down the chain until the last SP has been listed.
NOTE: It would need to take into account circular references in which case once an SP has been enumerated if it's found again it's listed but nothing else after since that will have already been done once.
2 votes -
Stop Overwriting Existing Features With new Alternatives that Aren't Merely Updates
The recent roll-out of SQL History was handled very poorly. SQL History isn't simply an update to Tab history else there would not have been the need for a name change. SQL History is an alternative feature meant to do what Tab History does (I hope) and more but on roll-out it made many of your paying customers not only angry because you replaced Tab history with it but because it wasn't ready for roll-out.
In the future when you feel the need to replace an existing beloved feature with something different and not just an update, DON'T! Instead roll…
3 votes -
Bring Back Tab History
Tab History NEVER should have been replaced with SQL History, a very poorly received roll-out that angered many paying customers. The fact that Red-gate felt it necessary to re-brand the thing is indication enough that it wasn't simply an update to Tab history but a replacement. That said when you do something like this in a product people are paying for it should be rolled out as something new and not something that replaces an existing beloved feature.
Perhaps after enough updates SQL history will be usable and thus tab history unnecessary but there's no telling how many updates that…
20 votes -
snippet refresh
Snippet adds or updates are not refreshed until SSMS is restarted.
Can you add a feature to auto refresh the cache of snippets or make part of the "refresh suggestions"
3 votes -
CREATE TABLE align data-types
When making a CREATE TABLE statement, there should be a formatting option to align the data-type behind the field names.
2 votes -
DDL comma placement
When making a CREATE TABLE statement, I would like to have the comma at the beginning of the line.
I've set the lists.placeCommasBeforeItems property to true, but it's not working for the DDL statement.So either fix the comma placement option for DDL statements or add an option for it.
2 votes -
Autocomplete From User Tables
A nice SQL Prompt feature would be autocomplete using contents from user tables. For example, if I have a smallish table (this idea may be impractical for large tables) with a list of codes - state codes, statuses, categories, etc. - and I need to hard-code a value from the table in a query, it would be cool if SQL Prompt could do autocomplete from the contents of the table.
2 votes -
Operators configuration depending on where they are placed
There is a general configuration for operators AND/OR. However, for us it is important to distinguish between the different places they are used:
- CASE ...
Would it be possible to configure the AND/OR options inside each block?
3 votes -
Include some menu options directly in Style format
Would it be possible to include the attached menu options in the Style format configuration? It would be very helpful to have it when Formatting SQL instaead of executing it after the Format.
At least, "Apply Casing Options", "Qualify Object Names" and "Remove Square Brackets".2 votes -
Maintain TABs before comments
We have some comments placed in the code preceeded by one or more TABs. When formatting SQL all these TABs are replaced by one WHITESPACE.
Is it possible to maiantain these TABs?See attached examples.
2 votes -
Semicolons deletion
We would like an option to get rid of the semicolons. You can only configure the whitespace. When we apply "Format SQL" many semicolons are inserted in our code and we don't wnat them.
Is it possible to add an option when formatting Style for eliminating semicolons?2 votes -
Revisit "Formatting SQL Transaction"
A previous request titled "Formatting SQL Transaction" was flagged as Completed in 2018; however, no option to adjust the formatting for BEGIN TRAN / COMMIT TRAN blocks exists in the latest release of SQL Prompt version 10.
1 vote -
Format Join Order
On our team we are very particular about the order of our joins as they are written in the query. I would like to request an option to format joins so the table you are joining on is the first item in the join. In the example below you join to tableb so the first ON clause is tableb, subsequently on the tablec join the first join is on objects from tablec.
SELECT (columns)
FROM tablea a
INNER JOIN tableb b ON
a.id = b.id
INNER JOIN tablec c ON
b.id2 = c.idTo:
SELECT (columns)
FROM tablea a
INNER…2 votes -
SQL History showing the query on the preview pane while hovering
Bring back TAB History!!! In the meantime, in SQL History, show the query/tab on the preview right side pane while hovering over the query on the left side.
6 votes -
SQL History SORT BY option, as in DATE DESC
SQL History sorts files by modified date ASCENDING. Its needs to be DATE DESCENDING. Need options to sort by name or date, ASC or DESC. Like how TAB HISTORY used to.
10 votes -
history connection
As I click open on a query in SQL History it gets displayed in a new tab. However this tab has no active connection. To be able to run the query I have to connect the tab manually to the database.
For me it would be much easier if opening the query from History would also open a connection to the database the query ran the last time.If there are specific reasons why this was not implemented it would still be nice, if there were an option available to automatically connect to the server.
1 vote -
enable renaming queries that are found by the search (starred queries)
It should be possible to rename queries that are found by the search. Especially this concerns "starred queries". Unfortunately, the list of found queries lacks the small 3-dot menu that is available in the unfiltered list. And there you can rename a query if it is not currently open.
That had worked in the old tab history. And it was a very important tool for me to save my queries under meaningful names.
2 votes -
ORDER BY 1 gives incorrect warning
The following gives the warning "ORDER BY clause with constants". In this statement, "1" is not a constant, but a reference to the 1st column.
SELECT TOP (10) Field1, Field2 FROM MyTable ORDER BY 1 DESC
1 vote -
Copy as IN clause should follow formating setting
I use the Copy as IN clause a lot and think it is one of the most helpful functions in SQL Prompt.
It would be even better if it could format the IN list according to the Style setting you have selected.
This is how it is created when right clicking on the function
ContractsId IN
)If I then use format SQL it changes it to the way I want it, without line brakes for each row but in relation to the other statement.
It would be…
5 votes
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