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SQL Prompt



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663 results found

  1. SQL prompt doesn't offer a single quote column aliases (which is fine). The code analysis feature says :

    "If aliases are standard identifiers, they do not need delimiters. If they are not, then they should be delimited by double-quotes, not single-quotes."

    what would be good is if SQL prompt had an option within SSMS to highlight double quoted column aliases in another colour (purple perhaps) just to make code more readable... sometimes the sea of black is hard to read when you have long, complex case statements etc.

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  2. When collapsing CASE expressions shorter then XXX, the END has no space if there is a preceding parenthesis.

    Example1 = CASE t1.Col004 WHEN 1 THEN t1.Col006 END,
    Example1 = CASE t1.Col004 WHEN 1 THEN TRY_CONVERT(int, t1.Col006)END

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  3. PERSIST_SAMPLE_PERCENT is a new feature in SQL Server 2016 SP1 CU4.

    SQL Prompt does not think this is a valid UPDATE STATISTICS statement:

    UPDATE STATISTICS dbo.MyTable(MyStat)

    It is valid and the correct syntax. SQL Prompt should be updated to format this correctly.

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  4. Please add Prompt features when connecting to a Snowflake database

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  5. I use global temp tables (##), and intellisense doesn't pick them up, even after a refresh.

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  6. When I have a table with multiple indexes and I want to determine if a certain column or group of columns are part of an index, I basically have to script all of the indexes.
    I would like to be able to hover over an index name in the Object Explorer and have SQL Prompt display the index definition without having to script it.
    Same with constraints.

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  7. When formatting SQL, it would be good to have the option to put the item following an AND/OR on a new line and align it, so instead of:

    OutgoingResults.LoadDateKey = 20191106
    AND OutgoingResults.FeedName = 'TestFeed'

    we have

    OutgoingResults.LoadDateKey = 20191106
    OutgoingResults.FeedName = 'TestFeed'

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  8. hi, i'd like to have the function 'Copy as IN clause' not only when i select data vertically but orizzontally too

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  9. When SQL Prompt gives you the option to expand wildcards by typing a TAB, can you make it possible to add a modifier key (say Alt-TAB or Ctrl-TAB) that will generate aliased column names based on the table name?
    For example, on an insert or update statement, we can use the OUTPUT clause to capture the changes made to a table. So, currently, typing Deleted.* and pressing TAB will generate columns such as
    and so on.

    It would be more useful to have
    Deleted.Id as DeletedId,
    Deleted.ModifiedDate as DeletedModifiedDate,
    Deleted.Description as DeletedDescription

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  10. When saving/opening file automatically untabify it.

    (select all then edit|advanced|untabify selected lines)

    Some how, some way, despite telling everyone to set convert tabs to spaces we constantly get tabs in our SQL code. It would be really nice to just have it automatically convert to spaces so I can save a few clicks.

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  11. Formatting a SQL batch which contains

    BACKUP DATABASE Databasename
    TO URL = N'URL'
    WITH CREDENTIAL = N'Credential'

    leads to

    BACKUP DATABASE Databasename
    TO URL = N'URL'
    WITH AS CREDENTIAL = N'Credential'

    the AS between with and credential is wrong.

    Please fix :-)

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  12. No CREATE SQL is displayed in the suggestions window when hovering over any CLR objects, or scripting the object as alter. The code returned is just a comment saying:

    -- No creation SQL available for this object type

    The CREATE/ALTER statement can easily be built by querying the relevant system tables. SSMS does it when you script the object and other Redgate products such as SQL Compare and SQL Source Control do it just fine, not sure why SQL Prompt would have been left out.

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  13. I often use the Ctrl-F12 feature to jump to an object in the object Explorer, however this doesn't work if the object has been renamed, or was just recently created. In those cases I need to manually refresh the object Explorer before I can use F12. Perhaps the F12 feature could do that for me? (or prompt if it can't find the object)

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  14. Hi there. Currently, SQL Prompt formats an invocation of a sproc like this:

    exec sproc @param1 = ?,
    @param2 = ?,
    @param3 = ?

    I'd like to be able to change this into:

    exec sproc
    @param1 = ?,
    @param2 = ?,
    @param3 = ?


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  15. Some of us would like the option for formatting of table declarations to not only align [tabify] column names (indented one tab), but also columnize/tabify the data types and nullability so that table definitions are grid-like. Constraints per column are are far more variable and therefore require more of a free format or sometimes pushing them to subsequent lines, but at minimum, the ColumnName, DataType and Nullability should be optioned to columnize by default.

    When there are hundreds or thousands of tables in a db schema, I'm used to scanning table definitions, and having them organized grid-like saves my eyeballs…

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  16. In the suggestion box primary key/foreign keys are visually marked. I would like to see this in the objects definition box (Summary tab) as well.

    Also it might nice to be able to select columns in there and add those columns to the qury

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  17. Fix "Script as INSERT" functionality with dates.

    Currently when I use this great functionality all the datetime fields will get a form N'1900-01-01T00.00.00'.

    Unfortunately the Finnish SQL server settings does not recognise that and running this script gives an error "Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.". I have not been able to find a way to change that date format in SQL Prompt Options.

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  18. When scripting an object from the Object Explorer, for example with right-click -> Modify or Script as... CREATE To, the tab created has a default name determined by SSMS, for example "SQLQuery45 - database01.sql". It would be great if this naming was the same as when you click F12 on an object name in a script, where the new tab is named the same as the object, for example "dbo.SomeStoredProcedure - database01.sql".

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  19. I would like to see intellisense provide you a list of backup devices that are created when you use the backup database key words.

    Backup database [database names in drop down] to [ disk, file, Url, backup devices in dropdown]

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  20. I'm a "messy" developer who leaves dozens of tabs open while I'm working on a project, only occasionally doing a bit of a spring clean by closing what I don't need. I only just realised I can do this in Tab History by filtering for Open tabs and right-clicking on a tab entry and choosing Close from the context menu. And I love the fact that I get a preview just by hovering over the name so I can quickly decide whether or not to close each tab.

    I would like to see a cross (close) symbol added to the…

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