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SQL Prompt



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663 results found

  1. What is near the cursor tends to be data that should not be covered over. I need to see it in order to complete my statement.

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  2. It would be awsome if there was an option that would format an SQL Script automatically after opening it in SSMS / VS. So if you load a file it would be formatted automatically with your selected formatting style. It would be great too if this auto format option could be switched on and off in the Options.

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  3. Provide a better tab list for navigation than the one supplied by SSMS when there are many tabs open, for instance a resizable "navigation" window (or even a navigation tab) that easily allows filtering/grouping by server instance, database, user defined, etc.

    As a complement to grouping tabs would be to allow naming, saving, closing, and opening of a "tab group" - related queries/script files that do not make up an SSMS "project" but are used for a particular purpose or go against a particular database, etc (user determines grouping criteria, see above). Furthermore, activating a tab group would bring its…

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  4. Semi-colons are automatically added at every END reserved key word. Make this optional.

    END TRY(;)
    END CATCH(;)

    This just look weird to everyone

    END(;) <=== don't want it here... there's an ELSE continuation.

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    1 comment  ·  Format SQL  ·  Admin →
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  5. If I have a very large script with the majority of it with formatting disabled, or even with just a highlighted small area... the ctrl-K,ctrl-Y formatting seems to consider the parts it will not be formatting. Example: code in a separate window will format instantly while in a window with 100k lines with same code highlighted it will take a long while. This seems to indicate that it is considering all of the code even though it is only formatting a small piece.

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  6. It would be neat if WHERE clauses could get autocomplete suggestions with declared variables (or variables that are procedure parameters). Example:

    Assume Table1 with one column Column1.

    DECLARE @Column1
    SELECT *
    FROM Table1 T
    WHERE T.Column1 = (suggest @Column1, any variable that exactly matches column by name, except @)

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  7. In version 7 the Style option FormatActionRemoveSquareBrackets was removed from the .sqlpromptstyle Style file into the .settings Settings file. I would like it moved back into the Style file, along with all other Style options settable under "SSMS > SQL Prompt > Options > Format > Style". See for additional details.

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  8. Similar to visual studio code, it would be good to have a find and replace all occurrences by highlighting what you would like to replace. This would then give you the option to type in what you want to replace. I know Sql Server has a find and replace function, however I just really like this functionality and think it would be a great addition to SQL prompt

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. 16 votes

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    3 comments  ·  Format SQL  ·  Admin →
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  11. I have text within a snippet which includes the string "$2a$". The snippet manager replaces this which is not what I want. I need the snippet to remain unchanged.

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  12. Summarize script is sort-of useful as a way to see script blocks easily, but it will be BRILLIANT if it was a dockable (not modal) window that you very quickly select the script blocks in the editor.

    I often select parts of a script or subqueries to run - if Summarize Script automatically selected them for me it would be a huge productivity boost: 1-click selection + F5 = AWESOME!

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  13. EXEC spwho2 without return (EXEC @Results = spwho2)
    Give a warning when tsql or stored procedure has execute a stored procedure without a variable for an error to bubble up to.

    This is the proper way because ieven in a try catch the Exec sp_who2 won't give and error to stop the tsql from going on

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  14. Add rule for deprecated DATABASEPROPERTY

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  15. My default preference is to maintain the ON keyword without a new line. I would like to be able to CONDITIONALLY place the ON keyword on a new line if, and only if the ON keyword together with the associated ON condition exceed a configurable wrap threshold.

    -- Yield this >>>>
    SELECT *
    FROM Person.Address
    INNER JOIN Person.StateProvince
    ON StateProvince.StateProvinceID=Address.StateProvinceID
    -- >>>> instead of

    SELECT *
    FROM Person.Address
    INNER JOIN Person.StateProvince ON StateProvince.StateProvinceID=Address.StateProvinceID
    -- Assuming the JOIN clause exceeds the wrap length
    -- <<<

    This is particularly useful if the "Place JOIN table on new line" is NOT selected…

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  16. Simple statements do not flag this:

    WITH CTE1 AS (SELECT TestColumn FROM dbo.TestTable)
    SELECT a.TestColumn FROM CTE1 a
    INNER JOIN CTE1 b ON a.TestColumn = b.TestColumn;

    However, more complex statements do:

    WITH CTE1 AS (SELECT TestColumn FROM dbo.TestTable),
    CTE2 AS (SELECT TestColumn FROM CTE1),
    CTE3 AS (SELECT TestColumn FROM CTE2)
    SELECT CTE3.TestColumn FROM CTE3
    INNER JOIN CTE2 ON CTE3.TestColumn = CTE2.TestColumn;

    In the final select clause, both CTE2 and CTE3 are flagged with 'Use alias for all table sources' (ST010).

    Seems a bit OTT to suggest references to CTEs are aliased? I accept that a CTE defines, in relational terms,…

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  17. Find all occurrences of your search string in the results in datagrid mode. I know I should and could do this in SQL but sometime it is handle to find the customers name in a large set of rows.

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  18. When I hover over an object and get the pop-up script for that object (proc/view/function) I would like the ability to have the script default to ALTER instead of CREATE.

    99.9% of the time I manually have to edit the Create to be an Alter, this would save SO MUCH time.

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  19. It would be nice if the IN clause were formatted like a logical function that returns a value so that it followed the options and rules for parentheses and were indented according to its place in the logical expression. (paying attention to the ANDs and ORs if present)

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  20. My Name is Waleed Abrar and my license number is. I am actively looking of Static TSQL Analysis and I was really happy with the SQL Prompt. I have done some analysis and implemented some test cases. It works really good working live and parallel to development . I want to ask if it’s possible to do an offline analysis and get a HTML or Excel report for a particular database about the TSQL code Quality inside the DB. For Example I can select the Database ‘XYZ’ and then click Analyze static code. It will give me a report back…

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