672 results found
Management Studio 18.0 Support
SSMS 18.0 support, the latest till now, doesn't support ssms 18 preview 4
5 votes -
Autocomplete WHERE clauses with variables
It would be neat if WHERE clauses could get autocomplete suggestions with declared variables (or variables that are procedure parameters). Example:
Assume Table1 with one column Column1.
DECLARE @Column1
FROM Table1 T
WHERE T.Column1 = (suggest @Column1, any variable that exactly matches column by name, except @)2 votes -
Automatic Alias from Table Name
(5 previous votes)
Rather than individually defining aliases per table, add an option to use capitalised letters of tables/views to define an alias.
Customer = C
mem_Membership = Mcus_StateCustomer = SC
aReallyLongTableName = RLTN
view_CustomerMembership = CM
4 votes -
AND keyword for WHERE and JOINs on new line
There is no option in CLAUSES > JOIN to place AND on new line (Right aligned to INNER) and in Data (DML) there isn't an option to put AND on new line. Lots of tables I join on I am joining on 2 columns and I prefer to have the AND a.col1 = b.col1 on a new line as well.
4 votes -
move options settable under "SSMS > SQL Prompt > Options > Format > Style" page out of the Settings file and [back] into Style file
In version 7 the Style option FormatActionRemoveSquareBrackets was removed from the .sqlpromptstyle Style file into the .settings Settings file. I would like it moved back into the Style file, along with all other Style options settable under "SSMS > SQL Prompt > Options > Format > Style". See https://productsupport.red-gate.com/hc/en-us/requests/122489 for additional details.
2 votes -
Script Temporary Table Declaration from Query
Context menu item to take the current query under the cursor and script out an appropriate DECLARE @table or CREATE TABLE #table to match the names and types output from the query.
6 votes -
Warn before running code that might fire trigger
SQL Prompt gives me a warning when I execute a query or batch that would truncate a table or that includes an update or delete without where clause.
Is it possible to get a similar warning when I execute a query or batch that runs an insert, update, delete, or merge statement against a table or view that has a trigger? (ideally the warning would only fire if the trigger is not deactivated, and if it is for the correct operation)12 votes -
Add option to exclude placeholder or escape it.
I have text within a snippet which includes the string "$2a$". The snippet manager replaces this which is not what I want. I need the snippet to remain unchanged.
2 votes -
Add option to indent code between BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION
Someone else has submitted this suggestion and it is marked completed. However, it does not seem to do so in my version of SQL Prompt (
9 votes -
Format of Valid Selected Code when there is invalid code in the script (Take 2)
I would like to request that script validation be limited to the selected text during Format SQL.This is a duplicate of a Completed feature (Bug) submitted on version 7. https://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/94413-sql-prompt/suggestions/16611622-formatting-of-valid-selected-code-when-there-is-in
I see recent comments on the original request but you may not be addressing since it is marked completed.To Replicate:
Put 3 lines below in a new Window in SSMSSOME BAD TEXT
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.PersonNow select All of Line 3 after the GO Statement. Right-click, Format SQL
Should get following error:
"Error inserting semicolons" ...
Script parsing errors:
Line 1 Col: 1…5 votes -
IF Statement block formatting is messed up
IF Statement block formatting is messed up
IF 1 = 1
IF 1 = 1 BEGIN
END;which is what I want...I want to leave the BEGIN END indention
5 votes -
Tab History
Tab history grows considerable with tabs that you don't care about. How about a hot key combination so that when the tab is closed it does not add it to history. Example: While holding the ctrl key down I close a tab and this prevents it from being added to history.
6 votes -
when you insert a ssf (Select * from) you select the table and correct automatically errors like WEHRE, WERE, WEHER where the user wants to say a WHERE a logical word dictionary in which, it could be done by matching characters if all the characters written are 100% or 90% matches with word WHERE whenever is the order of the characters then autochange the text for where, This also can be matched with other KEYWORDS of SQL
2 votes -
formatting of OVER clause
Would like to control formatting of the OVER clause. E.g I would like the complete "(Partition by ... order by ...) as xyz" on one line, but today it's overrdden by other options.
29 votes -
SQL Prompt -> Tab History -> add datetime stamp column
Currently it shows the filename and servername, but it would really help to have the datetime of when it was executed. Sorting the columns would be an added benefit as well.
4 votes -
DECIMAL default scale warning in Code Analysis
Would be great if SQL Prompt Code Analysis would give a warning on SQL Below:
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL, 1.453 )3 votes -
Would be great to be able to add user specific outlining, so that you could add + & - where ever you choose in a sql script to collapse down certain parts. The CRM system that I support has a create contact table import with 200 columns which is regularly used and this functionality would be great when having to resort to using this import etc...
6 votes -
Automatically create variables for use with generating full INSERT statements
Currently the behavior for inserting a full INSERT statement is that it produces something like this:
INSERT INTO dbo.ContactPictures
( InterActionPersonalContactID ,
InterActionFirmContactID ,
ImageFileStoreFilePathSegment ,
Source ,
ManuallyCreatedByUserAccountName ,
VALUES ( 0 , -- InterActionPersonalContactID - int
0 , -- InterActionFirmContactID - int
'' , -- ImageFileStoreFilePathSegment - varchar(256)
'' , -- Source - varchar(20)
N'' , -- ManuallyCreatedByUserAccountName - nvarchar(40)
GETDATE() -- DateTimeLastUpdated - datetime
)Hard-coded values are rarely what's needed, though; it would be very useful if it could generate variables and use them in the statement, like this:
DECLARE @InterActionPersonalContactID INT = 0…
8 votes -
EXEC sp without return (EXEC @Results = sp)
EXEC spwho2 without return (EXEC @Results = spwho2)
Give a warning when tsql or stored procedure has execute a stored procedure without a variable for an error to bubble up to.This is the proper way because ieven in a try catch the Exec sp_who2 won't give and error to stop the tsql from going on
3 votes -
Have the update process default to only updating installed tools
I don't use SQL Prompt in Visual Studio and likely never will. However, every time I update, the updater defaults to installing it for VS and updating SSMS. It would be nice if the update process defaulted to only doing updates.
7 votes
- Don't see your idea?