42 results found
Fix SQL History
User of SQL Prompt for some years now. Tab History was a "killer feature". I often have multiple instances of SSMS open, with a number of ad-hoc queries open not worth saving. When I log back in, for years, WITHOUT FAIL, ALL my queries, from ALL instances would re-open.
Since "upgrading" to SQL; History, I am lucky to get one or two re-open. Complete pot luck. Even searching for known keywords to get them open again is hit and miss.
I am losing a lot of productivity due to this downgrade. I have yet to experience any benefit from the…
15 votes -
Bring Back Tab History
Tab History NEVER should have been replaced with SQL History, a very poorly received roll-out that angered many paying customers. The fact that Red-gate felt it necessary to re-brand the thing is indication enough that it wasn't simply an update to Tab history but a replacement. That said when you do something like this in a product people are paying for it should be rolled out as something new and not something that replaces an existing beloved feature.
Perhaps after enough updates SQL history will be usable and thus tab history unnecessary but there's no telling how many updates that…
20 votes -
In the SQL History tab, under Advanced Search, allow us to set a default server and database
In the SQL History tab, under Advanced Search, allow us to set a default server and database or remember the last one that was chosen. I have about 30 servers in my list and most of them no longer exist. I would never want to search all servers. I would also rarely want to search another database besides the one I usually search.
2 votes -
Remember search settings in Tab History
At present, when I search (and I hate that the search opens as a new screen), I have to click "advanced search", and select object type of "queries" (I'm really not interested in the query history, I'd rather turn it off but there's no option to do that)
The one thing that would be most useful thought would be to remember the advanced settings between uses - or maybe allow them to be saved as a search default. This would go some way to address the poor user interface changes that have made the new SQL History much harder to…
8 votes -
SQL History SORT BY option, as in DATE DESC
SQL History sorts files by modified date ASCENDING. Its needs to be DATE DESCENDING. Need options to sort by name or date, ASC or DESC. Like how TAB HISTORY used to.
10 votes -
SQL history - Reintroduce lost features
SQL history. Recently this has become more indepth with greater search and history detail available. However it has lost some features which I found to be invaluable and which now make SQL history less useful to me.
Find Starred items doesn't work as well now. It uses the advanced search which does not actually show if items are starred. Please correct that.
Also there is now no ability to sort items found (in either normal or search view) by name / date etc.
Can these features be re-implemented please.
15 votes -
SQL History
Over the years my Tab/Sql History became huge, and it is working very slow. I am looking for a way to clean up.
1. There is no way to select multiple lines to delete. Delete is available only for one row. For example, every ALTER PROCEDURE creates history. I don’t need it at all. I would like to find all of them and delete.
2. There is no functionality to compress and reindex Sql History database.
3. Ironically “Send Feedback” link on a bottom of screen leads to nowhere.9 votes -
SQL History showing the query on the preview pane while hovering
Bring back TAB History!!! In the meantime, in SQL History, show the query/tab on the preview right side pane while hovering over the query on the left side.
6 votes -
history connection
As I click open on a query in SQL History it gets displayed in a new tab. However this tab has no active connection. To be able to run the query I have to connect the tab manually to the database.
For me it would be much easier if opening the query from History would also open a connection to the database the query ran the last time.If there are specific reasons why this was not implemented it would still be nice, if there were an option available to automatically connect to the server.
1 vote -
enable renaming queries that are found by the search (starred queries)
It should be possible to rename queries that are found by the search. Especially this concerns "starred queries". Unfortunately, the list of found queries lacks the small 3-dot menu that is available in the unfiltered list. And there you can rename a query if it is not currently open.
That had worked in the old tab history. And it was a very important tool for me to save my queries under meaningful names.
2 votes -
Share tabs between clients
Currently I'm onboarding a new laptop. I've been given a few weeks to offboard my old laptop so I'm working between the two. Additionally I sometimes work on a jump-box.
All 3 of these instances are logged in with my SQL Prompt credentials. I have a solution for sharing my Snippets, Connection Coloring, and Styles between these machines. However it would be nice also if I could re-open a tab from my old laptop on the new laptop (or the jump box) as and when I'm switching between machines.
5 votes -
Tab History should include non-SQL files
SSMS homes files other than .SQL scripts. Sometimes an you closed an execution plan or a deadlock graph you wish you had saved. Tab history should cache non-SQL file types along with standard SQL scripts so you can get these back when you accidentally closed SSMS or after a crash.
1 vote -
Secure tab history
Either detect and scrub passwords from tab history, or store the history files securely so they can't be copied by backup software and viewed as plain text on the drive without a password.
5 votes -
Add 'Reconnect All tabs' button
Great improvement (at least for me, but I doubt I am alone with this issue) to connect all tabs on opening SSMS would be to enable to invoke this on click/keyboard shortcut.
I am working through VPN and every disconnect means I have to close and re-open the app, losing pinned tab status and tab ordering.4 votes -
Possibility to search for multiple keywords
It would be nice to search for multiple keywords in the Tab History. For example, I know I had a script to insert data from TableA to TableB, but I searching for TableA or TableB yields to much result (both are frequently use tables). Searching for "TableA, TableB" or "TableA*TableB" would be a good quality of life feature.
12 votes -
Show SPID in tab history for open tabs
For tabs with an open connection, show the SPID # in the list on the left side
2 votes -
Tab history remove duplicates scripts
Have the ability to delete duplicate scripts in the Tab History. Example I may open a stored procedure to look at it or modify then close and then it is stored in the Tab History as Closed. But then in a few days or so I open the same store procedure and do the same thing it is now in the Tab History also. I have made no changes to either day it is open then closed but, it's in the Tab History twice. Now think about this over a few months. That Tab History grows with duplicate scripts.
15 votes -
Make auto savings of my open queries in case the program suddenly crashes
Sometimes my SSMS crashes. The Crash recovery of the program is not good enough. Would love to see "auto save" option that will save the open queries to history each time I'm idle for few moments. It would be much easier to recover than reproduce
4 votes -
Finding tabs with the same code
Hi, the possibility to sort/show tabs with the same code. Then you can delete history if you have more than one tab with the same code. This will make history smaller and faster.
7 votes -
Tab History - Option to Open Multiple Tabs at Once
I use Tab History quite a bit, and I often find myself seeing 2 or more tabs that have the search criteria I'm after. Rather than just being able to click one tab to open it, it'd be nice to be able to select multiple tabs from the history (some or all of the result list). The amount I use it daily and the amount I need to open 2 or more tabs from a search this sort of functionality would save me the repetitive task of performing the same search over and over to get each tab open that…
12 votes
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